Sunday, December 1, 2019
The French and Indian War Essay Example For Students
The French and Indian War Essay The French and Indian War Essay The French and Indian War was fought on July 9, 1755. This battle took place at Fort Duquesne, in western Pennsylvania, which was one of the many French forts in the Ohio Valley. The fight was between the English army, which was led by General Edward Braddock and the French army, which was led by Captain Beaujeau. The English army included 1,750 British regulars and 450 colonial militia. The French army, which included Indians, included less than 1,000 men. We will write a custom essay on The French and Indian War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The English army and General Edward Braddock marched through the wilderness towards the French fort, Fort Duquesne. The uniforms that the British wore were easy to see through the forest. They were red and very bright. Some soldiers carried flags, some just marched and carried their guns, some were on horses, and others played music to which the army marched. General Braddock and his British soldiers believed that the right way to fight a battle was to position themselves in an open area. The French and Indians hid behind trees and rocks which was smart because more British bullets hit trees than French and Indian soldiers when the two armies fought. Ten miles from Fort Duquesne, Captain Beaujeau and his French army made a surprise attack on the English. Most of the British soldiers were killed and injured. While riding horses, General Braddock had four of them shot from under him before he himself was killed. When George Washington was 23 years old, he led the colonial militia on a retreat to safety. Two horses were shot from under him and four bullet holes were found in his coat, but Washington himself was not killed. History . The French And Indian War Essay Example For Students The French And Indian War Essay The French And Indian War Essay The French and Indian War was fought on July 9, 1755. This battle took place at Fort Duquesne, in western Pennsylvania, which was one of the many French forts in the Ohio Valley. The fight was between the English army, which was led by General Edward Braddock and the French army, which was led by Captain Beaujeau. The English army included 1,750 British regulars and 450 colonial militia. The French army, which included Indians, included less than 1,000 men. We will write a custom essay on The French And Indian War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The English army and General Edward Braddock marched through the wilderness towards the French fort, Fort Duquesne. The uniforms that the British wore were easy to see through the forest. They were red and very bright. Some soldiers carried flags, some just marched and carried their guns, some were on horses, and others played music to which the army marched. General Braddock and his British soldiers believed that the right way to fight a battle was to position themselves in an open area. The French and Indians hid behind trees and rocks which was smart because more British bullets hit trees than French and Indian soldiers when the two armies fought. Ten miles from Fort Duquesne, Captain Beaujeau and his French army made a surprise attack on the English. Most of the British soldiers were killed and injured. While riding horses, General Braddock had four of them shot from under him before he himself was killed. When George Washington was 23 years old, he led the colonial militia on a retreat to safety. Two horses were shot from under him and four bullet holes were found in his coat, but Washington himself was not killed. . The French and Indian War Essay Example For Students The French and Indian War Essay The French and Indian War Essay was fought on July 9, 1755. This battle took place at Fort Duquesne, in western Pennsylvania, which was one of the many French forts in the Ohio Valley. The fight was between the English army, which was led by General Edward Braddock and the French army, which was led by Captain Beaujeau. The English army included 1,750 British regulars and 450 colonial militia. The French army, which included Indians, included less than 1,000 men. The English army and General Edward Braddock marched through the wilderness towards the French fort, Fort Duquesne. The uniforms that the British wore were easy to see through the forest. They were red and very bright. Some soldiers carried flags, some just marched and carried their guns, some were on horses, and others played music to which the army marched. General Braddock and his British soldiers believed that the right way to fight a battle was to position themselves in an open area. The French and Indians hid behind trees and rocks which was smart because more British bullets hit trees than French and Indian soldiers when the two armies fought. We will write a custom essay on The French and Indian War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Ten miles from Fort Duquesne, Captain Beaujeau and his French army made a surprise attack on the English. Most of the British soldiers were killed and injured. While riding horses, General Braddock had four of them shot from under him before he himself was killed. When George Washington was 23 years old, he led the colonial militia on a retreat to safety. Two horses were shot from under him and four bullet holes were found in his coat, but Washington himself was not killed. . The French and Indian War Essay Example For Students The French and Indian War Essay In July 1755, a few miles south of Fort Duquesne, now Pittsburg where the Alegheny and Monongahela rivers meet, a combined force of French and Indians ambushed British and colonial troops. This catastrophe was to ultimately become the starting point of The French and Indian War Essay. During the Seven Years War, as the French and Indian War is commonly called, there were wins and losses on both sides, but ultimately the British were victorious with the help of William Pitt. However, the War caused England many economic, political, and ideological tribulations with the American colonists. In response to a French threat to Englands western frontiers, delegates from seven northern and middle colonies gathered in Albany, New York, in June 1754. We will write a custom essay on The French and Indian War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now With the patronage of administers in London, they sought two goals: to persuade the Iroquois to abandon their traditional neutrality and to coordinate the defenses of the colonies. This Albany Congress succeeded in neither. While the Albany Congress representatives deliberated, Governor Robert Dinwiddie of Virginia sent a small military force westward to counter the French moves. Virginia claimed ownership of Ohio, and Governor Dinwiddie hoped to prevent the French from founding their permanent post there. However, the militia group was too late, for the French were already constructing Fort Duquesne at the strategic point where the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers meet. George Washington was twenty-two and commanded the Virginian militia who attacked a French detachment and eventually surrendered after a day-long battle during which more than one-third of his men were killed or wounded. Washington had made a huge mistake that would eventually set of a war that would encompass nearly the entire world. America, mayest well rejoice, the Children of New England may be glad and triumph (Doc. E). Led by William Pitt, a civilian official that was placed in charge of the war effort in 1757, Britain pursued a military strategy that was lacking in the years prior. In July 1758, British forces recaptured the fortress at Louisburg, cutting off the major French supply route. In a spectacular attack in 1759, General James Wolfes soldiers defeated the French on the Plains of Abraham and took Quebec. A year later the British captured Montreal, which was the last French stronghold on the continent, which ended the American phase of the war. In the Treaty of Paris, France ceded its major North American holdings to Britain. Thus the British ultimately gained control of the continents fur trade after the French relinquished Louisiana to Spain for partial compensation for its allys losses. The English seacoast colonies would no longer need to worry about the threat of their existence posed by Frances extensive North American territories. See Map (Doc. A)} However, with the sweets come the sour. The great victory over France had an irreversible impact on North America. An uprising lead by Pontiac, a war chief from the Ottawa village, showed Great Britain that the vast territory recently acquired from France was not easy to govern. With no experience managing such a huge area, London officials issued the Proclamation of 1763 in October which stated that the headwaters of rivers flowing into the Atlantic from the Appalachian Mountains would be the temporary western boundary for colonial settlement. Intended to prevent clashes by forbidding colonists to move onto Indian lands it quickly became an unenforceable policy that was doomed to failure. Other issues such as economic problems and political challenges arose rapidly after the Seven Year War. the revenue arising is very small and inconsiderable and is not sufficient (Doc F). The hard-won victory in the French and Indian War cost the British millions of pounds and created an enormous war debt. Englands burden of debt nearly doubled since 1754, from 73 million pounds to 137 million pounds. After considering their hardships, England felt it only right that the American colonists should pay their fair share of the debt for the Empire since they benefited so greatly from the wartime expenditures. Through acts such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act, American colonists were forced to pay high prices to the government. These acts were imposed on an economy already in the midst of depression. Not only with a depleted treasury, . The French And Indian War Essay Example For Students The French And Indian War Essay The French And Indian War Essay was fought on July 9, 1755. This battle took place at Fort Duquesne, in western Pennsylvania, which was one of the many French forts in the Ohio Valley. The fight was between the English army, which was led by General Edward Braddock and the French army, which was led by Captain Beaujeau. The English army included 1,750 British regulars and 450 colonial militia. The French army, which included Indians, included less than 1,000 men. The English army and General Edward Braddock marched through the wilderness towards the French fort, Fort Duquesne. The uniforms that the British wore were easy to see through the forest. They were red and very bright. Some soldiers carried flags, some just marched and carried their guns, some were on horses, and others played music to which the army marched. General Braddock and his British soldiers believed that the right way to fight a battle was to position themselves in an open area. The French and Indians hid behind trees and rocks which was smart because more British bullets hit trees than French and Indian soldiers when the two armies fought. We will write a custom essay on The French And Indian War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Ten miles from Fort Duquesne, Captain Beaujeau and his French army made a surprise attack on the English. Most of the British soldiers were killed and injured. While riding horses, General Braddock had four of them shot from under him before he himself was killed. When George Washington was 23 years old, he led the colonial militia on a retreat to safety. Two horses were shot from under him and four bullet holes were found in his coat, but Washington himself was not killed. Words / Pages : 256 / 24 . The French and Indian War Essay Example For Students The French and Indian War Essay The French and Indian War Essay was fought on July 9, 1755. This battle took place at Fort Duquesne, in western Pennsylvania, which was one of the many French forts in the Ohio Valley. The fight was between the English army, which was led by General Edward Braddock and the French army, which was led by Captain Beaujeau. The English army included 1,750 British regulars and 450 colonial militia. The French army, which included Indians, included less than 1,000 men. The English army and General Edward Braddock marched through the wilderness towards the French fort, Fort Duquesne. The uniforms that the British wore were easy to see through the forest. They were red and very bright. Some soldiers carried flags, some just marched and carried their guns, some were on horses, and others played music to which the army marched. General Braddock and his British soldiers believed that the right way to fight a battle was to position themselves in an open area. The French and Indians hid behind trees and rocks which was smart because more British bullets hit trees than French and Indian soldiers when the two armies fought. We will write a custom essay on The French and Indian War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Ten miles from Fort Duquesne, Captain Beaujeau and his French army made a surprise attack on the English. Most of the British soldiers were killed and injured. While riding horses, General Braddock had four of them shot from under him before he himself was killed. When George Washington was 23 years old, he led the colonial militia on a retreat to safety. Two horses were shot from under him and four bullet holes were found in his coat, but Washington himself was not killed. . The French and Indian War Essay Example For Students The French and Indian War Essay The French and Indian WarThe French and Indian war raged from 1754 to 1763. Its roots began long before the first shot was fired, about 100 years before between the French and the English. The French and Indian War was not fought between the French and the Indians, but the two allied with the Canadians against the English. It was the catalyst for the Seven Years War, from 1756-1763, which was brought over into Europe, the Carnatic Wars, and it eventually lead to the American Revolution.By the late 1600s to the beginning of the 1700s, the colonization of the Americas by the English had been reaping great rewards. We will write a custom essay on The French and Indian War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The English controlled much of the eastern seaboard, and were highly interested into further expansionism. The English often moved into the French territory and claimed the land as theirs. The French had established a vast area from Louisiana to the south to Canada to the north bordering the Spaniards to the left and the English to the right. The French had small frontier villages with ample land for the English to take. The French used their land for the same purposes the English used theirs, for trade and manifest destiny. However the French were frontier trappers who moved and settled in small numbers and not farmers, as the English were. Because of this the French made a good repor with the Indians, which seemed to be all around and the neighboring frontiersmen in Canada to the north. It was almost customary for a Frenchman to wed an Indian woman to strengthen trade agreements and the use of land as well as an interpreter/guide. As the English colonizers began to expand into and around the French territory much quarreling arose and disputes over whose land it really was just added to the fire. The French started to build forts up and down their territorys boarder. The French along with the Indians lead attacks against the English until they moved out of their territory. They French established a fort called Fort Le Boeuf just down river from Fort Duquesne next to lake Erie; this was already claimed as English territory. England sent Major George Washington to the region of Fort Duquesne to thwart the French from further expansion and to expel the from the area. While on a patrol for the French, Major Washington came upon a small group of Frenchmen, which he took for scouts. Major Washington ordered his men to fire killing many and further pursued the rest. In the end 10 men lay dead and 22 were captured. This was soon to be an act of war since England and France were at peace. The French tricked Major Washington into signing a letter written in French, which stated that Major Washington assassinated the 10 Frenchmen and attacked the rest. The always present Indian problem added to Englands decision to send two regiments of troops to protect the colonizers. When the French heard word of this they too sent several regiments of troops to protect the frontiersmen and settlers in their territory in New France. Peace talks in England soon began between the French. The commander of Frances troops was Baron de Dieskau who was under orders to defend New France and not to instigate any attack. The English sent General Braddock with a larger force than Major Washington to make war with the French on the frontier. The French being well aware of their surroundings, made good use of it while ambushing the English as they marched in columns toward the French to attack Fort Duqesne. .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 , .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 .postImageUrl , .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 , .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783:hover , .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783:visited , .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783:active { border:0!important; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783:active , .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783 .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u054051ea3dcd0ddc9bd4acff83e3c783:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: History Of Music Education: Greek, Roman And Egyptian Argumentative Essay The French certainly got the upper hand in this attack, killing many of the English soldiers and causing the to retreat. The English never faught in a gorilla warfare manner, but in columns and rows often facing musket and cannon fire. While the French sent troops over to the Americas, the English had 11 war ships waiting for the French to arrive. Not knowing if the French and the English were at war or not, the French pulled along side of the English Dunkirk and asked. The English Dunkirk fired into the French wiping out most of their men. The French had The French and Indian War Essay Example For Students The French and Indian War Essay The French and Indian War Essay was fought on July 9, 1755. This battle took place at Fort Duquesne, in western Pennsylvania, which was one of the many French forts in the Ohio Valley. The fight was between the English army, which was led by General Edward Braddock and the French army, which was led by Captain Beaujeau. The English army included 1,750 British regulars and 450 colonial militia. The French army, which included Indians, included less than 1,000 men. The English army and General Edward Braddock marched through the wilderness towards the French fort, Fort Duquesne. The uniforms that the British wore were easy to see through the forest. They were red and very bright. Some soldiers carried flags, some just marched and carried their guns, some were on horses, and others played music to which the army marched. General Braddock and his British soldiers believed that the right way to fight a battle was to position themselves in an open area. The French and Indians hid behind trees and rocks which was smart because more British bullets hit trees than French and Indian soldiers when the two armies fought. We will write a custom essay on The French and Indian War specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Ten miles from Fort Duquesne, Captain Beaujeau and his French army made a surprise attack on the English. Most of the British soldiers were killed and injured. While riding horses, General Braddock had four of them shot from under him before he himself was killed. When George Washington was 23 years old, he led the colonial militia on a retreat to safety. Two horses were shot from under him and four bullet holes were found in his coat, but Washington himself was not killed. Category: History .
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