Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Chlamydia Trachomatis Sexual Health Control Health And Social Care Essay
This chapter provides the background treatment of sexually transmitted infections ( STIs ) concentrating on Chlamydia trachomatis infection since the survey is positioned within this country taking down to the specific research inquiry and aims. In add-on, sexual wellness bar and control schemes have been explored.2.1 IntroductionHealth has been defined by the World Health Organization ( WHO ) as ââ¬Å" the scientific discipline and art of forestalling disease, protracting life and advancing wellness through organised attempts of society â⬠( WHO, n.d. ) . Sexual activity is known as an indispensable component of human wellness and well-being contributing to quality of grownup partnerships and a demand for natural creative activity. Yet it poses a batch of hazards to wellness through transmittal of STIs. Although pox, gonorrhea and chancroid are by and large considered as the chief STIs, assorted other pathogens are catching including Herpes Simplex Virus type 2, Chlamydia trac homatis, Human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) Herpes Papilloma Virus, and Hepatitis B Virus ( HPA, 2010 ) ( Figure 1 ) . STIs affect people of all ages with the greatest happening amongst those under the age of 25 old ages ( Nicoll, 1999 ; Johnson, 2001 ; NCSP, 2009 ) . In the UK, certain groups of populations are affected more than others therefore making sexual wellness inequalities ( HPA,2010 ; Marmott, 2010 ) . The research has delved into chiefly secondary literature from equal reviewed journal articles, books, wellness bureau or regulating organic structures ââ¬Ë studies and articles to show what past research workers have established on CI. Furthermore, sexual wellness bar and control schemes have been explored in order to put CI in a context that engages with appropriate literature.Figure 1: Number of diagnosings of selected STIs and HIV in the UK, females: 2000-20092.2 Chlamydia Infection TrendsChlamydia trachomatis is the most widespread bacterial pathogen transmitted through infected secernments and mucose membranes of urethra, neck, rectum, conjunctivae and pharynx following unprotected sexual contact with an septic spouse. An septic pregnant adult female can infect her babe during vaginal bringing. Genital Chlamydial infection is presently the most common STI in the UK with prevalence ââ¬Ës between 2 % and 12 % detected in surveies of adult females go toing general pattern ( Fenton et al. , 2001 ; Creighton et al. , 2003 ; HPA, 2010 ) . Chlamydia infection rates are disproportionately high in under 25s ( Low, 2001 ; HPA, 2010 ) . Rate of infectivity for Chlamydia at national degree for immature people aged 15-24 is one in 10 back uping the degree of sexual activity in that group ( HPA 2010 ; NHS Salford, 2010. In 2001, adult females under 20 old ages of age had reported instances of 36 % of Chlamydia. CI instances rose by 108 % during 1998 to mid-2004 ( Ryan, 2004 ) . As reported by the Department of Health ( DH ) , diagnosing of new Chlamydia and other STI diagnosed instances in the UK such as re-infections made in GUM showed a gradual rise in 1995-2009 ( Figures 2, 3 ) ( HPA, 2010 ) .Figure 2: Number of diagnosings of Chlamydia^ , England: 1995-2009Figure 3: Number of venereal Chlamydia diagnosings by sex and age group, and figure of research labs utilizing nucleic acerb elaboration trials ( NAATs ) : 1999-2008 ( females )STI informations from research lab studies in England, Wales and Scotland and Chlamydia nucleic acid elaboration trial ( NAAT ) information from the UK National External Quality Assurance Scheme ( NEQAS ) . Most people infected with Chlamydia are symptomless ( 70 % females and 50 % males ) until a diagnostic trial is performed ( HPA, 2010 ) . Chlamydia infection is important to adult females ââ¬Ës generative wellness jobs since 10-40 % of those untreated septic adult females develop PID ( Garside, 2001 ; Sweet & A ; Gibbs, 2009 ; Pippa et al. , 2010 ) . If efficient and effectual wellness steps are non administered, the disease has the potency of doing important wellness complications to adult females ââ¬Ës well-being including relentless pelvic hurting, sterility, ectopic gestation, PID, Chlamydial pneumonia of the newborn, neonatal pinkeye, pre-term labour/delivery and neonatal decease ( Figure 4 ) ( Golden, et Al, 2000 ; Simms et al. , 2000, 2007 ; Garnett, 2008 ; Oakeshott et al. , 2010 ) . There is besides greater hazard in those with repeating and untreated infections to distribute to other generative variety meats ensuing in chronic pelvic strivings ( La Montagne, et Al, 20 07 ; Evans et al. , 2009 ; Hosenfeld et al. , 2009 ) . Sweet & A ; Gibbs ( 2009 ) province that CI can besides ease HIV transmittal adding to the already long-run effects it poses.Figure 4: Chlamydial infection complicationsBeginning: HPA catching diseases surveillance Centre. The figure of diagnosed episodes of Chlamydia infection has been lifting over the past 10 old ages ( Figures 5, 6 ) . Because GUM clinic informations is skewed towards diagnostic patients and Chlamydia is extremely symptomless, prevalence is besides used to depict the epidemiology.Figure 5: Ratess of venereal Chlamydia infection adult females by age group ( 1995 ââ¬â 2004 )Datas beginnings: KC60 and STISS/ISD ( D ) 5 returns from GUM clinics, United Kingdom ( HPA, London )Figure 6: Chlamydia positiveness rates in screens performed by NCSP, 2007 ( HPA, 2008 )Surveies by Pimenta et Al. ( 2003 ) and Adams et Al. ( 2005 ) support findings of highest prevalence rates of Chlamydia infection in immature adult females aged 16-24. Pimenta et Al ( 2003 ) measured prevalence of Chlamydia infections in 16-24 twelvemonth old females instead than merely reported instances from GUM clinics ( Figure 7 ) . In Portsmouth there was a 9.8 % prevalence of Chlamydia infection in 16-24 twelvemonth old adult females, with the 18-year old adult females holding the highest extremum and Wirral had 11.2 % with the 20-year old adult females holding the highest extremum ( Pimenta et al. , 2003 ) . Most of these persons from both sites would hold been incognizant of their infection and therefore at hazard of developing Chlamydial complications.Figure 7: Prevalence of Chlamydial infections, 16-24 twelvemonth old females, Portsmouth and Wirral, 1999-2000 ( Pimenta, et al. , 2003 ) .Furthermore, the economic impact of Chlamydia infections on the wellness service is tremendous with high cost in the direction of female wellness complications ( Simms, 2006 ; Skinner, 2010 ; Land et al. , 2010 ) . United kingdom costs to NHS are estimated at & gt ; ?100 million per twelvemonth ( HPA, 2010 ) . Because of the impact of CI on the wellness of immature people, it is of import to place and handle septic patients and their spouses and as a consequence cut down the load of the disease on the people and wellness systems ( Appleby et al. , 2007 ; Adams et al. , 2007 ; Low et al. , 2009 ) .2.3 Chlamydia Awareness and KnowledgeChlamydia rates of infection do vary in each part in the UK ( HPA, 2010 ) . This fluctuation may uncover the proviso of diagnostic services every bit much as disease prevalence. Unfortunately, Chlamydia trachomatis infection like most STIs brings about negative public wellness results due to its part or causes to ill-health. In the UK and other parts of the universe, CI pose tremendous challenges for public wellness such as single wellbeing, the load of wellness costs or mental wellness. Chlamydia rate of infectivity at national degree for immature people aged 15-24 is one in 10 back uping the degree of sexual activity in that group. In the UK, certain groups of populations are affected more than others therefore making sexual wellness inequalities with immature people bearing the greatest load by being disproportionately affected by CI ( Figure 8, Table 2-4 ) ( NCSP, 2009 ; Marmott, 2010 ; HPA, 2010 ) .Figure 8: Age-specific distribution of the rate of diagnosed with Chlamydia at STI clinics, England: 2009Beginning: STI informations from GU medical specialty clinics ( HPA, 2010 )Table 2: Number of Chlamydia diagnosings by gender, male sexual orientation, age group and patient state: 2009Beginning: STI informations from GU medical specialty clinics ( HPA, 2010 )Table 3: Number of Chlamydia diagnosings by gender, male sexual orientation, age group and patient SHA: 2009Beginning: STI informations from GU medical specialty clinics ( HPA, 2010 )Table 4: Number of Chlamydia diagnosings by continent of birth: 2009Beginning: STI informations from GU medical specialty clinics ( HPA, 2010 )2.4 Sexual Behaviour: Chlamydia InfectionAlthough sex has become safer to a important extent through the usage of rubbers, Chlamydia rates significantly increased in recent old ages in the UK preponderantly from assorted factors like sexual hazard behaviors and hapless infection control. It has become a major public wellness concern as highlighted in the National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV ( DH, 2001 ) . The 15-24 twelvemonth age group comprises merely 12 % of the population but has the largest diagnosing of STI instances of about 50 % of freshly acquired infections. Control of Chlamydia infection is complicated since it is symptomless. The sexual behavior of the population is an of import determiner of the rates of STIs. The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles II identified sexual behavior as the hazard of geting an STI in the immature age groups ( McDowall et al. , 2006 ) . The factors included low age at clip of first sexual intercourse, frequent changing of spouses, increased likeliness of being involved with coincident partnerships, irregular usage of rubbers and the increased opportunities of being involved with a spouse who comes from a portion of the universe other than UK that is regarded every bit high hazard ( Figure 9 ) ( Hughes, 2000 ; Johnson, 2001, Mueller, 2008 ; Waylen, 2009 ; Skinner, 2010 ) . The immature people appear to be the cardinal portion of the hazard of go throughing on the infection to other groups of the population. Thus bar should be largely targeted at this nucleus group which would ensue in economic benefits.Figure 9: Chlamydia prevalence by hazard factors 2003 ââ¬â non GUM scenes( Montagne et al. , 2004 ) .A survey by Shiely et Al. ( 2010 ) proved that expedited spouse therapy ( EPT ) offer decreases in hazards of repeating or continual CI in straight persons, and heightening the per centum of those sex spouses who obtain intervention. Thus EPT was revealed as better than standard spouse referral over an extended scope of socio-demographic and behaviourally typical subgroups. Behavioural intercessions might be limited because picks about behavior are controlled by local context and civilization. Smedley and Syme ( 2000 ) province that, ââ¬Å" It is clear that behaviour alteration is a hard and complex challenge. It is unreasonable to anticipate that people will alter their behaviors easy when so many forces in the societal, cultural and physical environment conspire against such alteration. â⬠For illustration, Cohen et Al. ( 2006 ) survey found that when striplings were exposed to arouse instruction categories and parent-child communicating about sex, they intended to pattern safer sex ; nevertheless, this did non really lead to increased rubber usage. Rather, situational properties, including spouse attitudes about, or the handiness of, rubbers played a greater function in behavior. However, the effects of environmental hazards like poorness and favoritism might be moderated by intercessions focused on the person: ââ¬Å" But such attempts do litt le to turn to the broader societal and economic forces that influence these hazards â⬠( Smedley & A ; Syme, 2000 ) . Bandura ( 1986 ) developed the self-efficacy theoretical account which offers a grade of confidence for working with persons in order to cut down hazardous behavior. Since the adult females are immature, they might non hold the necessary accomplishments to negociate and pull off rubber usage ; Bandura ââ¬Ës theoretical account may be specifically suited for them. Bandura suggested that persons beliefs in their competency to carry on certain behaviors impacts on the manner they engage themselves, their self-control when faced with troubles, and their effort in carry oning these behaviors. Foresight direct behavior with respect to peculiarly expected outcomes, though self-control allows for the control of behaviors based on criterions that are internal. Above all, self-reflection Lashkar-e-Taiba persons reflect on and go knowing by larning from their experiences.2.5 Sexual Health Prevention and Control: Chlamydia InfectionPeoples ââ¬Ës wellness and the societal and economic succe ss of the UK are highly connected. The related economic and societal costs of CI and other STIs to public wellness are tremendous and surpass UK ââ¬Ës hereafter. Two of Marmott ââ¬Ës ( 2010 ) six recommendations support the bar and control of STIs in UK ââ¬Ës population: ââ¬Å" enabling all kids, immature people and grownups to maximize their capablenesss and have control over their lives â⬠and ââ¬Å" beef uping the function and impact of ill-health first-class wellbeing over their lives â⬠. It is critical that the UK ââ¬Ës population is educated on sexual wellness issues so that they are able to do good informed sex determinations that contribute to their wellbeing and cut downing the load caused by STIs. Marmott ââ¬Ës study farther emphasised other research work ( Picket & A ; Wilkinson, 2009 ) that ââ¬Å" it is non merely the hapless who suffer from the effects of inequality, but the bulk of the population â⬠. High precedence should hence be given to the integrating of STI control measures into primary wellness attention. The world-wide involvement in and resources committed to forestalling AIDS supply a alone chance for wellness workers to do considerable advancement in commanding CI and other STIs.2.5.1 Chlamydia infection: attacks to bar and controlAlthough Chlamydia is a reportable infective disease, easy treated with antibiotics, and mostly prevented with rubber usage, challenges still exist globally in its bar and control. Public wellness efforts to forestall and command Chlamydia and other bacterial STIs have been applied through surveillance, clinical services, spouse presentment schemes and behavioral intercession schemes. Clinical services are an built-in portion of CI and other STIs bar programmes implemented in all communities. Chlamydia clinical services are available in a assortment of other scenes such as community wellness Centres, household planning clinics, GP surgeries, infirmary exigency suites, and prison scenes. Increasingly, CIs are being diagnosed in scenes other than public wellness clinics. Surveillance is a cardinal public wellness duty which involves monitoring of Chlamydia or its effects, antimicrobic opposition, sexual behavior, testing and healthcare quality and coverage. It is critical in observing and supervising disagreements in Chlamydia and other STIs. It is deficient to follow merely Chlamydia infection case-associated demographics for acquiring penetration into the kineticss of Chlamydia transmittal and its continuity in the affected communities. However, consideration into how and when to use the current schemes or to bring forth new 1s is critical for an efficient lessening in Chlamydia infection rates in the hazard groups. It is merely out of utilizing several surveillance attacks, everyday information analysis and reading, and rating that the load of these complex Chlamydia infections may be comprehended decently. Primary bar attempts include promoting rubber usage and patient instruction about abstention, hold of sexual intercourse, and monogamous sexual behavior. Secondary bar attempts include early and frequent showing, which have shown to cut down the prevalence of the disease ( CDC, 2000 ; HPA, 2010 ) .2.5.1 National chlamydia testing programme and spousesThe National Chlamydia Screening Programme ( NCSP ) was established back in 2003 in the UK to supply timeserving showing trials aiming sexually active adult females and work forces under 25 old ages of age who attend wellness and non-health attention scenes. Systematic showing in the UK is performed merely at GUM clinics. The debut of the NCSP in 2003 and other wellness screens in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and in Scotland in 2005 resulted in an addition of sexual wellness screens from 759,770 to 1,219,308. The programme was rolled out to the remainder of England in 2007 and it aims at testing immature adult females go toing GUM , household planning and expiration of gestation clinics ; foremost cervical vilification, young person clinics, colleges, schools and universities. Pharmacies are besides offering testing trials to immature adult females seeking exigency hormonal contraceptive method ( Brabin et al. , 2009 ) . The HPA was appointed in November 2005 by the DH to administrate the NCSP which is delivered by 152 PCTs in England. However, this was rolled out by the Greater Manchester wellness authorization part in Salford in December 2006 by puting up RUClear programme which works in coaction with NCSP and all registered showing sites. Its spouses include wellness attention suppliers and research labs in supplying high-quality CI surveillance informations required by the wellness protection bureau which is indispensable for placing and supervising CI wellness disparities. RUClear coordinates testing services through easy handiness of testing and intervention services every bit good as happening ways of carrying the immature population to utilize these services ( Appendix B ) . Diagnosis of Chlamydia instances increased by 7 % , 217,570 in 2009 from 203,773 in 2008 ( Table 6 ) ( HPA, 2010 ) . NCSP has national marks for which by 31st March 2010, 25 % of all 15-24 twelvemonth olds were screened a nd from 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011 the mark was raised to 35 % ( anon. , 2010 ) .Table 6: Entire figure of Chlamydia diagnosings in GU medical specialty clinics and community-based scenes by gender, UK and England, 2008-2009The symptomless nature of CI consequences in important under sensing by instance coverage. Those who are symptomless might non obtain attention and hence are non likely to bring forth a instance study. Furthermore, CI may be distributed otherwise in similar racial or cultural group.Figure 11: NCSP proving locales by sex: England April ââ¬â December 2010 ( HPA, 2011 ) .The showing and treating of Chlamydia is puting a batch of force per unit area for the Primary Care Trusts ( PCTs ) that have to present in instance the immature people are unwilling to see clinical services. The challenge is to acquire advanced methods that would carry the immature people to take on showing services. The standards for testing Chlamydia, although more loosely applicable, are chiefly for sexually active adult females and work forces aged under 25 old ages. In order for Chlamydia showing to be effectual, HAs should closely supervise attachment to testing standards. For case, when there is grounds of high rates of pregnant adult females accessing healthcare service but testing Numberss are low, so it means the recommended attention is non being received by these adult females. Provision of regular showing services for symptomless immature people-at-risk and prompt diagnosing and accurate intervention for immature people infected with or exposed to CI are critical constituents of effectual clinical CI infection bar and control. Correct designation and appropriate intervention are cardinal elements of CI clinical attention but spouse presentment services and reding are besides critical in hazard decrease. However, even with commercial handiness of good diagnostic trials, effectual medicines, and testing and intervention counsel for forestalling and bring arounding Chlamydia, several challenges restrict the full potency of these tools in supplying quality attention for the immature adult females. Given the reported high incidence rates of CI, the load is much more for immature people ( Figure 12, Table 5 ) ( Fenton et al. , 2005 ) . It is imperative to determine effectual bar programmes. Although heightening entree to Chlamydia testing has been an of import and pressing focal point of Chlamydia consciousness programmes and has led to regenerate attempts to increase entree to Chlamydia testing ( WHO, 2001 ; Santer, 2000, 2003 ; HPA, 2010 ) . As more people including this identified group aged under 25 learn their Chlamydia position, and in acknowledgment of the long latent period of the disease before symptoms prevail, factors related to Chlamydia consciousness remain important to place in order to plan comprehensive Chlamydia direction services that meet the demands of the population at hazard of infection ( Wight, 2000, 2002 ; Low, 2007 ; Brabin et al. , 2009 ) .Figure 12: Proportion of positive instances by age and sex: April ââ¬â December 2010Table 5: Entire figure of Chlamydia diagnosings by patient Percentage: 2009Beginning: STI informations from GU medical specialty clinics ( HPA, 2010 )2.7 DrumheadIn drumhead, the above reappraisal signifier a background for understanding Chlamydia trachomatis infection and a yardstick for measuring the sexual wellness bar and control schemes whilst carefully considered and acknowledged the reported high incidence rates of infection. This chapter has vindicated many challenges and concerns that public wellness face today. Following is Chapter 3 depicting the adopted research methodological analysis to garnering pertinent research informations.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Luxury Goods in India Essay
Luxury goods in India is still at a nascent stage of development. High net worth individuals such as businessmen, senior government officials, celebrities and top management in corporations are key potential customers for luxury goods. As consumersââ¬â¢ awareness about global luxury brands increases, they use such products to differentiate themselves from others. The high net worth individuals frequently buy luxury goods for personal as well as gifting requirements and global luxury brand operatorsâ⬠¦ Luxury Goods in India report offers a comprehensive guide to the size and shape of the Luxury Goods market at a national level. It provides the latest retail sales data, allowing you to identify the sectors driving growth. It identifies the leading companies, the leading brands and offers strategic analysis of key factors influencing the market and their effects on Luxury Goods retailing along with the development of consumersââ¬â¢ shopping patterns. Forecasts to 2018 illustrate how the market is set to change Product coverage: Designer Apparel (Ready-to-Wear), Fine Wines/Champagne and Spirits, Luxury Accessories, Luxury Cigars, Luxury Electronic Gadgets, Luxury Jewellery and Timepieces, Luxury Travel Goods, Luxury Writing Instruments and Stationery, Super Premium Beauty and Personal Care. Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data. Why buy this report? * Get a detailed picture of the Luxury Goods market; * Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change; * Understand the competitive environment, the marketââ¬â¢s major players and leading brands; * Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop. Table of Content: Executive Summary High Net Worth Individuals Represent Growing Potential Customer Base Expansion Is the Key Success for Players Luxury Infrastructure Still A Constraint Internet Retailing Emerges As A Sales Channel Luxury Goods Restricted To Major Cities of India Key Trends and Developments Rising Infrastructure and Operational Costs Restrict the Growth of Luxury Outlets For more information kindly visit: http://www. marketreportsonindia. com/consumer-goods-market-research-reports-2944/luxury-goods-in-india. html About MarketReportsonIndia. Market Report on India is a portal where you can access thousands of reports on India starting from Aeronautics to Zinc (A-Z). We provide you with reports which will help you gain a better understanding of the Sectors, Companies, New Products and Latest trends. Contact Us Market Reports on India Contact No: India: +91. 22. 27810772, 27810773 Toll Free US: 1-866-279-8368 Email: info@marketreportsonindia. com Website: http://www. marketreportsonindia. com Twitter: https://twitter. com/ReportsonIandia.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Four Season Hotel Analysis
Amy Huboi TIP-Four Seasons Resorts and Hotels The company that I have chosen for the theory in practice report is the Four Seasons Resorts and Hotels. The company is dually listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FS and it is listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FSH. The company originated in Toronto, Canada over forty years ago when owner and CEO, Isadore Sharp, opened up the first Four Seasons hotel. His concept was to create a chain of luxury hotels that offered excellence in service and amenities.The hotel currently has sixty-four properties in twenty-nine countries. The majority of properties are held under the Four Seasons and Regent hotel brands. The company has also established branded share ownership properties and private residences. My personal interest in this company is a result of my husbandââ¬â¢s employment at the Four Seasons Aviara over the last nine years. I have seen first hand how this company takes immense pride in their staff and their well-being.The company also has extensive training for employees and provides many benefits, such as promotions and management training programs. The company has been extremely successful throughout the years because of their strong focus on specific market segments and their needs. The company has utilized successful strategies, which have aided in their financial success and stability when other competitors have failed or taken a loss. Chapter 1 Mission Statement and Values The Four Seasonââ¬â¢s has created a mission and values statement that encompasses the companyââ¬â¢s goals, beliefs and principles.The mission statement has been developed to serve as a starting point for the companyââ¬â¢s overall business strategy. It is also meant to be a source of guidance for Four Seasonââ¬â¢s employees. Their mission statement incorporates four important attributes of the company; ââ¬Å"who we are,â⬠ââ¬Å"what we believe,â⬠ââ¬Å"how we behav e,â⬠and ââ¬Å"how we succeed[1]. â⬠The Four Seasons main purpose is to provide the finest luxury accommodations to their guests. The companyââ¬â¢s goal is to be regarded as the best in hotel and resort management.The Four Seasons believes their employees are their most vital assets. The quality of the employees is paramount for the company in their achievement of organizational objectives. Four Seasons believes it takes a unified and cooperative employee effort to satisfy the guestsââ¬â¢ needs and to achieve success in the industry[2]. The company has developed the philosophy that individuals (employees and guests) should be treated fairly, ethically, and respectfully. Four Seasons has adopted the ââ¬Å"Golden Rule,â⬠which states: ââ¬Å"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you[3]. This has become the underlying foundation for the Four Seasons company culture. Although the Four Seasons wants to be known as the leader in the luxury hospitality ind ustry, they have a strong belief that the pursuit of this objective should not overshadow their high ethical standards. The overall financial goal of the company is to earn ââ¬Å"a fair and reasonable profitâ⬠in order to protect the investments of all stakeholders[4]. Four Seasons also focuses on long-term strategies, which ensures profitable growth. Chapter 2 Porterââ¬â¢s Five Forces ModelRisk of Entry by Potential Competitors: Low The companies in this specific industry offer customers a highly differentiated product. The luxury hotel industry has high brand loyalty among their customers. This can be justified by the premium price customers are willing to pay for a hotel room. According to Karl Huboi: ââ¬Å"Once a guest experiences luxury hospitality they will never settle for anything less[5]. The existence of strong brand loyalty is difficult for new entrants to break unless they offer a superior service, which can be quite costly.It is difficult for new entrants to g ain access to the capital requirements needed to develop and build a luxury hotel. It can cost over $200 million to build a new luxury hotel and this does not include the cost of employees and marketing[6]. The industryââ¬â¢s incumbents have established relationships and experience, which enables them to achieve significant cost savings. In addition to brand loyalty and costs the new entrants must also contend with the probability of retaliation from the established hotels. Rivalry Among Established Companies: HighThe luxury hospitality industry is fairly concentrated. There are approximately 10 key competitors of the Four Seasons. The hotel companies are: Accor, Fairmont Hotels, Hilton, Hyatt, Millennium & Copthorne Hotels, Orient-Express Hotels, Ritz-Carlton, Starwood Hotels and Resorts, Thistle Hotels and Wyndam[7]. The level of diversity among the companies is medium to low because the majority of the companies provide similar types of high quality service. The high cost of b uilding, furnishing and servicing the hotels in the industry create high fixed costs and high exit barriers.In addition to monetary costs the companies also have strong relationships and bonds with employees, investors and guests, which are difficult (financially and emotionally) to divest. As a result of the economic downturn in the last few years the hotel industry has experienced slow or even stagnant growth. There were several hotel companies that held back development projects and laid off employees in order to avoid a financial loss. Currently, there has been a steadily increasing demand for luxury hotels in the lodging industry. The Four Seasons, Ritz-Carlton, Starwood luxury collection, St.Regis and W Hotels luxury chains are the primary hotels that have begun to witness the increase in consumer demand[8]. Power of Buyers: Low The consumers of the luxury hotel industry purchase a low volume in relation to the industryââ¬â¢s total capacity. The level of differentiation tha t the companies offer is high. This makes it difficult for consumers to compare luxury accommodations with standard accommodations. Consumers that want to stay at hotels, such as the Four Seasons, are willing to pay the higher premium because they value the service.When the quality of the service is high the buyer usually has low pricing power. There is very little threat of backward integration from the consumer due to the high costs of startup in the luxury hotel industry. Power of Suppliers: Medium The number of suppliers to the hotel industry is extremely high. The types of suppliers for hotels include: furniture suppliers, linen and bedding suppliers, food suppliers, decor suppliers, appliance suppliers, and uniform suppliers. The availability of substitutes is generally high, except when supplies are developed exclusively for hotels.For example the Four Seasons uses specially made Bulgari and Lââ¬â¢Occitaine products in their hotel bathrooms. The Four Seasons also has mattr esses made specifically for the hotel rooms. In instances like these hotels can become reliant on specific supplies. The majority of hotels have regional contracts with suppliers. This locks the hotel companies into using certain suppliers and creates switching costs. Supplier power is slightly reduced by their reliance on the hotel industry, especially in the case of uniform and food suppliers[9]. Power of Substitutes: LowThere are substitutes for lodging, such as camping, hostels and motels, but none of these offers the service and amenities that luxury hotels provide to their guests. This is the main reason why there is a low threat of substitutes to the luxury hotel industry. Overall, the luxury hotel industry can be relatively profitable due to the low threat of new entrants, low power of buyers and low threat of substitutes. Chapter 3 Building Blocks of Competitive Advantage There are four ââ¬Å"building blocksâ⬠that create a competitive advantage for companies: superio r efficiency, superior quality, superior innovation and superior customer responsiveness.Each of these factors can contribute to increasing the consumerââ¬â¢s perception of quality and decreasing the companyââ¬â¢s cost structure[10]. The Four Seasons Hotels strives to achieve superiority in each of these components thus allowing them to maintain an advantage over their key competitors. At the Four Seasons employee productivity is the main measure of efficiency. The company has developed a rigorous interview process to ensure the hotel hires employees that match the Four Seasons criteria. Four Seasons requires that their employees have strong moral values, teamwork mentality and high quality work ethics[11].The Four Seasons has also developed extensive employee training in order to further develop the employeeââ¬â¢s skills and traits. The company believes in empowering their employees in order to shorten the process when dealing with problems. This gives the employees a sens e of importance and pride at work regardless of their status at the hotel. The Four Seasons also provides full benefits and other perks, such as ââ¬Å"comp nights,â⬠in order to further generate employee satisfaction, productivity and to realize the guests experience[12].The superior quality of the Four Seasons experience is measured by the guestââ¬â¢s perception of service and value. A key indicator of the consumerââ¬â¢s value for the Hotelââ¬â¢s service is the achieved daily room rates (ADR). If a guest perceives the quality and value of the Four Seasons to be high then he/she is willing to pay a higher room rate. The companyââ¬â¢s overall ADR has increased by 4. 3% in 2003. This was above the average ADR for the luxury hotel segment. The high quality of the Four Seasons service/product is also reflected in the numerous awards and accolades they have received.Several of the Four Seasons have achieved the five diamond status, which is a prestigious award given by the American Automobile Association (AAA). In 2004 the company had 19 properties that were awarded five diamonds[13]The Four Seasons has also dominated many surveys and polls, such as Andrew Harperââ¬â¢s Hideaway Report. In 2003 the company had over 13 hotels listed on the top fifty of the Harperââ¬â¢s Hideaway Report[14]. The Four Seasons has been a pioneer in developing innovative standards in the hotel industry[15]. They were the first U. S. ompany to include bathroom amenities, like shampoo, bathrobes, hairdryers and make-up mirrors in their hotel rooms[16]. The Four Seasons provides 24-hour room service, overnight dry cleaning, shoe shining and fitness centers. The hotels also prepare specialty meals for guests who prefer low fat meals or who have dietary requirements. The innovation of these standards has created and strengthened brand loyalty among guests who value these types of services and attention to detail. The Four Seasons has made an unwavering commitment on pro viding ââ¬Å"uncompromising serviceâ⬠to their guests[17]. Uncompromising service is more than a paper strategy, it has become the defining competitive difference for Four Seasons[18]. â⬠The power that the company gives to their employees allows them to quickly and efficiently handle the most unusual requests. This enables the company to exceed the guestââ¬â¢s expectations of consumer responsiveness. Chapter 5 Business-Level Strategy The Four Seasons has developed their business strategy based off the concept of differentiation. They provide their guests with a distinctive and unique level of service.Their customer focus is primarily business travelers, corporate groups and leisure travelers. Although the hotels generally attract certain clientele the Four Seasons policy does not allow for discrimination and believes all guests deserve the same exceptional experience[19]. The company has created a strategy that focuses on four important components. The Four Seasons co ncentrates on ââ¬Å"small to medium sized luxury hotels[20]. â⬠This allows hotel management to effectively operate each hotel and provide the guests with more intimacy. The hotel company also concentrates on hotel management services instead of hotel ownership.Management service is one of the Four Seasons main distinctive competencies. The company has established partnerships with investors who provide the backing for hotel development. The investors receive ownership in the hotels while the Four Seasons takes sole responsibility for managing the hotels and resorts. Approximately, ninety to ninety-five percent of the companies earnings are a result of the management fees[21] The company currently has majority ownership in only three properties[22]. Another component of Four Seasons strategy is their ââ¬Å"golden ruleâ⬠philosophy.The company believes it is important for every level of employee to participate in treating others fairly and respectfully. This principle cre ates an atmosphere, which facilitates a positive work environment and adds to the guestââ¬â¢s experience. The Four Seasons has also identified their ââ¬Å"uncompromising serviceâ⬠as another component of their strategy and as their ââ¬Å"distinctive edgeâ⬠against competitors[23]. The companyââ¬â¢s knowledge and background in creating unique experiences for customers provides the Four Seasons with pricing power thus giving the company an advantage over rivals. Chapter 6 Mature IndustriesThe hotel industry is a mature industry. There are several different types and sizes of hotel companies, but the larger companies generally dominate the industry. The luxury hotel segment focuses more on non-price competition to deter new entrants, such as market penetration, product development and market development. The Four Seasons concentrates on increasing their market share and continuous growth by developing new hotels in different regions. At the end of 2004 the number of F our Seasons properties will have reached 70. The company president, Isadore Sharp, hopes to have a total of 100 properties by 2010[24].The Four Seasons has also begun to expand into new niches or markets with product proliferation. In 1997 the company opened its first luxury vacation ownerships (timeshares) at the Four Seasons Resort Aviara in Carlsbad, California. The company believes this is another way to reach and satisfy guests who value the quality of Four Seasons experience. ââ¬Å"The Four Seasons Residence Club experience will bring an exclusivity, privacy, luxury and service level never before available in the vacation ownership arena[25]. â⬠They have also opened up residence clubs at the Scottsdale, Jackson Hole, and Punta Mita properties.In addition to the fractional ownership venture the company has also developed private residences in Jackson Hole, San Francisco, Miami and Scottsdale. The luxury hotel segment rarely uses price-based competition, such as price sig naling or pricing games. These types of tactics can drive down room rates to a level that is not profitable for any company in the industry. This is not the goal in the luxury hotel segment. Many companies, like the Four Seasons, want to create superior value so they can justify the premium room rates. The Four Seasons does not believe in using pricing games as a strategy to deter entry.It against their policy to cut prices as a competitive means. This strategy is warranted by the fact that the hotels attract guests based on the product not the cost[26]. Chapter 7 Technical Standards There are many established standards or specifications that must be upheld for a hotel to be classified as a luxury accommodation. These standards are also important in the selection of hotels to be deemed a five diamond or five star establishment. According to the AAA the factors to be considered when judging a hotel are its age, size, architectural design and appeal. In ddition the AAA bases its asses sment on the guests overall impression of the establishment[27]. It is important for luxury hotels to follow these criteria and to receive superior evaluations because these ratings impact the hotels credibility among consumers. There are also other specific features that hotels must have in order to achieve five star or five-diamond status. Some of the examples are: valet service, 24 hour room service, live flowers and plants inside the rooms and premises, real wood detailing, fine art work, fitness centers, minimum of two restaurants (one being fine dining) and pressing services[28].These standards make up the dominant design for each Four Seasons Hotel. This means that every hotel that is built must adhere to certain specifications that have been established by the industry. The differences that do exist among the hotels are seen in varying features such as the furnishings, architectural layouts, color schemes and locations. Chapter 8 Multidomestic Strategy The Four Seasons has f ollowed a multidomestic strategy throughout their expansion into international and domestic regions. The key distinguishing feature of multidomestic companies is that they extensively customize both their product offering and their marketing strategy to match different national conditions[29]. â⬠This strategy is also feasible when the company is not reliant on cost reductions for maximizing profitability. In the luxury hotel industry it is necessary to modify certain aspects when entering the global market. The Four Seasons has maintained the highest levels of local responsiveness in their aggressive overseas expansion.The modification of the hotels for different regions is often reflected in the hotel design and in the service features. When the Four Seasons builds hotels they always take into account the natural environment of the location. For example the, Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kuda Huraa have been designed to resemble the tropical huts of the region[30]. The Four Seasons also considers the size of the hotel when entering a new location. It is important to not build a hotel that over scales its environment because it could be seen as offensive to the community.The Four Seasons is also conscious of blending the local culture in with the service features of the hotels. For example each hotel offers cuisine that is unique to its location[31]. The Four Seasons has been successful at transferring their distinct corporate culture and core standards to each hotel it manages. The company is not overly concerned with lowering costs thus making it possible for them to provide customized service and quality regardless of the hotels location. The premium rates charged by the Four Seasons for their customized product offering offsets the added costs of being locally responsive. Chapter 9Horizontal Integration In the mid 1990ââ¬â¢s the Four Seasons decided to horizontally integrate by acquiring Regent International Hotels, a luxury hotel chain in Asia[ 32]. The Regent brand was experiencing a significant financial burden and was on the verge of bankruptcy. The Four Seasons decided that acquiring the Regent Hotels would help them build their market share. After being extensively investigated by Regents investors, the Four Seasons was sold the right to takeover Regentââ¬â¢s fifteen properties[33]. The acquisition allowed the Four Seasons to become ââ¬Å"the dominant company in the luxury hotel market worldwide[34]. After the Four Seasons became listed on the New York Stock Exchange and the Toronto and Montreal Stock Exchanges in 1997, the company decided to sell off the Regent brand. The Four Seasons sold only the ââ¬Å"rights to future development of the Regent Brand name to Carlson Hospitality Worldwide, a global leader in hospitality services[35]. â⬠The agreement between Carlson and Four Seasons allowed both companies to utilize the Regent brand reputation as a source of competitive development. The Four Seasons still maintains ownership rights to eight of the established Regent Hotels.The Four Seasons was fortunate to acquire another company that actually increased their overall value and market share. Traditionally it is difficult for firms to successfully horizontally integrate because of the difficulties associated with merging company cultures and accurately estimating the benefits of integration[36]. The company was able to look past any potential risks in order to see the future opportunity for growth. Chapter 10 Joint Ventures The Four Seasons has recently formed a joint venture with the cruise ship developer, Ocean Development Group.The companies plan to develop and launch the luxury cruise ship by 2006[37]. The Four Seasons will be responsible for managing the cruise ship. The concept for the cruise ship is similar to the ResidenSea, which provides its guest with the atmosphere of home while at sea. The joint venture is beneficial for both companies because they can share the risks and costs associated with the development and marketing of the cruise ship. The business venture also allows each company to focus on providing their specific assets and capabilities that will enhance the success of the project.The Ocean Development Group will own the cruise ship and will be responsible for the cost of development. The Four Seasons will use their distinctive competencies in management service to operate the hotel under their name. The company will use their skills in customer service to create an atmosphere that is comparable to any Four Seasons on land. IRMEââ¬â¢s SouthWest: Both the Four Seasons and Soutwest airlines have developed strong company cultures. The companies also view their employees as their most important asset.Both companies believe that productive and loyal employees are a source of efficiency and profitability for the company. Southwest uses employee efficiency to lower costs and the Four Seasons uses their employees to create high differentiation. Harley Davidson: Both Harley Davidson and Four Seasons focus on providing their customers with a highly differentiated product/service. The companies have also developed strong brand loyalty among their customers by providing a unique experience and by being responsive to customer needs. Airborne Express: Both companies have not developed extensive advertising campaigns (i. e. TV ads).Airborne Express has avoided this because they want to avoid attracting certain customers (like non-business shippers). The Four Seasons does not advertise on a large scale because they do not need to appeal to the general public. Their customer focus is only on specific market segments, like the business traveler. It would be a waste of resources for both companies to participate in mass marketing because of their customer focus. Dell & Shaw: The Four Seasons, Dell and Shaw have all developed strong business models, which have added to their profitability and allowed the companies to experience signi ficant advantages.Dell developed the direct selling business model, which allowed the company to capture a specific market (big businesses and knowledgeable buyers). Shaw developed a business model focused on providing inexpensive wine by mass marketing. This allowed the company to realize economies of scale and lower cost savings. The Four Seasons has developed a business model that is based on providing differentiated service by focusing on their expertise in hotel management services instead of hotel ownership.Coke & Pepsi: The Four Seasonââ¬â¢s key competitor is the Ritz-Carlton, but unlike Coke and Pepsi the companies do not participate in competitive pricing and marketing strategies. Interesting Points An interesting fact that I have learned from doing this report is that the Four Seasons main business focus is in providing hotel management services. I was unaware that they only had majority ownership in three properties. I also did not realize that they had several differe nt investors for each developed property.This strategy has been successful for the Four Seasons, because it allows them to earn significant profits (an operating margin of 53% in 2003) through the use of specific skills and assets[38]. Another interesting thing I have learned is that the Four Seasons was able to maintain profit levels well above their competitors throughout the past economic downturn. The company refused to lay off employees and cut room rates (which is important to my husband and I) when several other hotel companies made significant cutbacks to decrease their overall costs.The Four Seasons believed that lowering cost and service standards would ultimately have an adverse effect on the companyââ¬â¢s reputation and established brand loyalty. This strategy has allowed the company to retain their status and to earn higher ADR than their competitors. Works Cited AAA Five Diamond Award. 2004. www. ouraaa. com Four Seasons Annual Report. 2003. www. fourseasons. com. F our Seasons EmPact. 2004. Karl Huboiââ¬â¢s Employee Handbook. ââ¬Å"Four Seasons Receives Top Billing by Readers of Andrew Harperââ¬â¢s Report Rank as Best City Hotel in the U. S. and Abroad Plus Best Hotel in 10 Major Cities. â⬠PR Newswire. (September 9, 2003). ww. factiva. com. Four Seasons Resort Maldives at Kura Huraa. 2004. www. fourseasons. com. Garrahan, Matthew. ââ¬Å"A New Spring for Four Seasons. â⬠Financial Times. (November 26, 2004). www. factiva. com Hill W. L. , Charles and Gareth R. Jones. Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004). Hooverââ¬â¢s Company Profiles. Four Seasons Hotels Inc. (November 14, 2004). www. factiva. com. Huboi, Karl. Interview with Four Seasons Employee. (December 1, 2004) Warson, Albert. ââ¬Å"Hotels are Hot. â⬠Mortgage Banking 65. (October 1, 2004). www. factiva. com. ââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬âââ¬â 1] Four Seasons Annual Report, ( 2003), p. 6, www. fourseasons. com [2] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 6 [3] Four Seasons EmPact, Karl Huboiââ¬â¢s Employee Handbook, p. 8 [4] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 6 [5] Karl Huboi , Interview with Four Seasons Employee, (December 1, 2004) [6] Karl Huboi [7] Hooverââ¬â¢s Company profiles, Four Seasons Hotels Inc. (November 14, 2004), www. factiva . com. [8] Albert Warson, ââ¬Å"Hotels are Hot,â⬠Mortgage Banking 65, (October 1, 2004), www. factiva. com. [9] Karl Huboi. [10] Charles W. L. Hill and Gareth R. Jones, Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004), p. 6 [11] Karl Huboi [12] Karl Huboi [13] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 11 [14] ââ¬Å"Four Seasons Receives Top Billings by Readers of Andrew Harperââ¬â¢s Report Rank as Best City Hotel in the U. S. and Abroad Plus Best Hotel in 10 Major Cities,â⬠PR Newswire (September 9, 2003), www. factiva. com. [15] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 7 [16] Four Seasons EmPa ct, p. 7 [17] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 8 [18] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 8 [19] Karl Huboi [20] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 7 [21] Matthew Garrahan, ââ¬Å"A New Spring for Four Seasons,â⬠Financial Times (November 26, 2004), www. factiva. om. [22] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 7 [23] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 7 [24] Matthew Garrahan [25] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 8 [26] Matthew Garrahan [27] AAA Five Diamond Award, (2004), www. ouraaa. com. [28] Karl Huboi [29] Charles W. L. Hill and Gareth R. Jones, p. 272 [30] www. fourseasons. com/maldives/index. html. [31] Karl Huboi [32] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 8 [33] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 8 [34] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 8 [35] Four Seasons EmPact, p. 8 [36] Charles W. L. Hill and Gareth R. Jones, p. 304 [37] Hooverââ¬â¢s Company profiles [38] Four Seasons Annual Report, p. 12
Business IT case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Business IT - Case Study Example To successfully deliver their assigned task, UTS Student Services are expected to possess certain qualities and knowledge, together of which shall be classified as the requirements for them. First, there are supposed to have full knowledge of the functionality and operational processes that guides the use of search engines and search engine editing. By this, the service should have both the software and hardware necessary to turn an existing search account into an effective one that would reach peaks for any search entries that are made (Guo and Sanchez, 2005). What is more, it is required of the service to undertake a cleanup service that involves identifying all data and information about students that may not be considered wholesome and presentable and polishing these up or possibly replacing them with more suiting and presentation information that borders on the academic and career prospects of students. On the part of students, there are a number of requirements that they are al so expected to meet. First and foremost, students are expected to have basic understanding of the functionality of the system that is being proposed. By understanding the functionality of the system, students will be in a better position to respond to system managers in a manner that will make the work of the system managers even more effective and efficient. For instance students will be required to avoid posting images and data that are not considered to be presentable. Stakeholders as used in this report refers to all people who have a role to play in the successful planning, implementation, usage and monitoring of the system (Locker, 2000). By this, three major lines of stakeholders will be identified with a brief description of the role that each is expected to play. The first stakeholder is the university authority who is expected to be the initial financiers of the project. The university
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Virtual Private Network Tools Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Virtual Private Network Tools - Term Paper Example This research tells that VPNs create a virtual tunnel over the publicly available internet through the use of symmetric encryption. Common encryption and decryption keys which are used to encrypt all traffic in both directions are shared by both sides of the tunnel. In addition to the provision of an alternative to the use of the proxy server for remote access to campus resources, VPN also ensures secure methods to authenticate to the campus wireless network hence data security through the use of encryption technologies such as PPTP, L2TP, IPSec, and SOCKS. For a smooth establishment and maintenance of a virtual private network, one is required to have appropriate networking software and hardware installed in their computers and the local network. VPN software enables a client to join a private network as if they are at a local computer within the network despite the physical distance the client might be away from the network. This software ensures the security of the private network through the use of cryptographic tunneling protocols to ensure confidentiality and message integrity. In order to completely set up a virtual private network, certain software and hardware tools known as the VPN tools are necessary.T his paper discusses in depth four VPN tools namely, OpenVPN, Cisco VPN Client, LogMeIn Hamachi, and Windows built-in VPN. OpenVPN is an open source software application for virtual private network implementation, meaning it can be downloaded and used for free. Its main role is to securely tunnel encrypted data from the server to the client or client to the server through a single port over an unsecured network. Its popularity among VPN users comes from the fact that itââ¬â¢s a multi-platform application that supports different platforms unlike most of the other VPN software applications. It
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The Methodist Understanding of the Priesthood of All Believers Essay
The Methodist Understanding of the Priesthood of All Believers - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that many Protestants deny the biblical doctrine of the priesthood of all believers. If Roman Catholics have only one pope, the Protestants have many, but not literally having popes with the same roles and position in a church. For the Catholic Priesthood, ordinary believers in Christ are not worthy to talk directly to God and that they need someone more deserving to mediate for a fee. Traditionally, Catholics and their members follow the custom of confessionââ¬âthe act of using intermediary such as the priest to confess oneââ¬â¢s thoughts or feelings in order to be forgiven because they regard the priests as ââ¬Å"holyâ⬠and ââ¬Å"authorizeâ⬠to relay your plea to God. The Methodists believe that the only way to get to heaven is to put faith in Jesus as the Saviour. But plainly believing in Christ is not enough. You have to be baptized and do good works to profess your faith as such when Jesus performe d good works and preaching in his time. Moreover, if they sin, they ask forgiveness in Christ and try not to commit the same sin again. The Protestant reformers emphasized that this salvation is a product of Gods grace alone. Ephesians 2:8-9 (King James Version Bible) gives evidence to this doctrine as it says, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast,â⬠and asserts that "Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law". Godââ¬â¢s grace through salvation is not just about the forgiveness of sins but also liberation from death and hell. Since God bestows on the people His undeserved kindness, neither good works nor pious religious practices in themselves can earn salvation.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Ethical Dilemmas in the Police Force Research Paper
Ethical Dilemmas in the Police Force - Research Paper Example Another definition of ethics refers to the development and study of a personââ¬â¢s ethical standards. It is extremely important to check ones ethical standards since social norms, feelings and laws can deviate from what is ethical in the view of professionals. In this respect, ethics means the continuous study of moral conduct and beliefs and hard work to make sure that the organizations we work for practice the standards that are acceptable and firmly based. In respect to this, ethical dilemma refers to a situation where two or more choices are ethically questionable (Davis and Aroskar, 2010). The police profession is one aspect where ethical standards are enforced and implemented. Over the past years, study of ethics in the police force has expanded considerably due to cases of police brutality and corruption surfacing in the courtrooms and the media (Appiah, 2006). The original conception of the police force in England emphasized the need of the police to get the good will of t he people to effectively do their policing roles. In England, the first instruction to police constables was in 1829 and it advocated for low temper from police officers, tolerance from foul language and should do their duty in a determined and quiet way since this will aid the officer in getting support from whomever he seeks it. In the United States, the officers never adhered to legal norms despite their training as law enforcers. The police were part of the political system used by local political organizations and no established code of conduct was in place. This paper will find the various codes of ethics in use by police officers, giving various ethical dilemmas police officers face. The questions to be answered by this paper are: What are the standards, codes of conducts practiced by the police force? What are the ethical dilemmas facing the police force? Ethical Conducts of Police Officers The following are codes of conduct governing police officers, (Herbefeld, 2006): To p rovide service to the public, protect property and lives and in the process shielding citizens from fraud and the vulnerable against oppression, the peaceful against aggression and to revere the constitutional rights of all to equality, liberty and justice. To keep their private life free from illegal activities to be emulated by all and act in a way that does not bring discretion to them and my agency. Maintaining courage and calm in the face of danger ridicule and scorn. Developing self-restraint and mindful of the welfare of others. Honesty in thought and deed in personal and official life and obeying the laws and regulations of a police officer. Anything confidential I see or hear in my official capacity as a law enforcement officer will be kept in secret unless revelation is necessary while on duty. To never let prejudices, personal feelings, aspirations, hatred or acquaintances manipulate their decisions. To not compromise with crime and with relentless prosecution of criminal s, imposing the law considerately and properly without fear or favor, cruelty or ill will and never using force, violence or accepting gratuities. Recognizing the police badge as a sign of public confidence and trust. Never employing acts of fraud, corruption or condoning such acts by colleagues in the law enforcement agency. Cooperating with all legal bureaus and their agents in the pursuit of justice and law enforcement. A law enforcement o
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Eating habit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Eating habit - Essay Example Another advantage of writing down what you eat is that you can also monitor your calorie intake. As a person wanting to maintain a healthy lifestyle and stick to a normal weight, I find this very helpful. Based on the content of the food journal, it is easy to pinpoint how one can examine his eating patterns as well as modify them in order to pursue a healthier lifestyle. Being aware of others' eating habits will allow me to recommend which food to avoid and which food to increase intake of. According to recent scientific studies, there might be a link between genetics and eating habits but in only a small number of people. The assertion that there might be this "fat genes" which makes people obese is not really applicable to everyone. I believe that in the nature and nurture debate, eating habit and lifestyle is still highly dependent on nurture. A person's eating habit is usually acquired from the parents. Food preference specifically is a thing of what parents give their children to eat. Studies show that the taste of mom's breast milk is dependent on what she eats. Thus, even in the early years, environmental factors weigh in considerably. As a person grows old, he often acquires the eating habit of his parents.
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Strategic Leadership in Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Strategic Leadership in Criminal Justice - Essay Example So a dire need will be felt to promote the lower ranking officers to higher posts. Hence, the police department emphatically feels that the creation of a systematic procedure for appraising the lower ranking officers for promotion purposes will help assure the quality and reliability of the policing in the area. Though Larry is left with varied options regarding the designing of the new appraisal system, he is apprehensive in the sense that he does not want the new system to be unjust and biased towards the junior officers. At the same time, he intends the new system to be innovative and ingenious. Larry Homes has before him a possible choice of varied existing appraisal methods. These methods include: For years, the police department has resorted to this method for assessing the promotability of the junior officers. This appraisal method primarily relied on the ratings extended by an immediate supervisor regarding the subordinates under him or her (McConnell, 2005, p. 248). This appraisal method had its advantages in the sense that it assured apt cooperation between the supervisors and the subordinates (McConnell, 2005, p. 248). However, a majority of the junior officers in the police force are not satisfied with this appraisal method. They feel that the promotability of an employee needs to be measured by using predominantly subjective criteria (Kulik, 2004, p. 92). In that context, the junior officers are of the view that an appraisal method relying on the opinion of only a single supervisor is open to doubts pertaining to its reliability (Murphy, 1998, p. 148). Besides, giving too much reliance on this promotion method could have a debilitating impact on the moral of the police force.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
PhD Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
PhD - Essay Example ..51 7 3.34.REFERENCES â⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦Ã¢â¬ ¦..53 7 3.48.CHAPTER 2 8 Fuel Economy 9 3.50.The fuel economy(FE) of any vehicle can be calculated as a ratio of distance travelled per unit volume of fuel consumed or as the ratio of fuel consumption per distance travelled (GFEI,n.d.). An et al (2011, p4) note that fuel economy standards can be of various forms such as liters of fuel consumed per hundred kilometers of distance travelled or kilometers travelled per liter of vehicle fuel. The global average vehicle fuel consumption hovers around 8L/100 km corresponding to 29.4 mpg and a global drive under the aegis of GFEI, whose partner organizations are the UNEP, IEA, ITF , ITCC and the FIA Foundation has been launched to bring it down to 4L/100km corresponding to 58.8 mpg by 2050 (GFEI,n.d.).The regulations pertaining to fuel economy followed by the four largest automobile markets, namely, the US, the EU, Japan and China differ significantly from each other (An et al, 2011, p4). 10 3.51.The fFactors affecting fuel economy of a vehicle 11 4.Power for consumption by accessories such as air conditioners and heaters is obtained from fuel consumption. The electric power required for operating an air conditioner in a vehicle can be split up into two components, namely, as the power for the compressor and the power for fans. It was found that there was an average increase in power consumption of around 27% in cars with air conditioners running at full power as compared to cars with air conditioners switched off OECD(2004,p124-125).The additional weight of the air-conditioning system by itself results in more fuel consumption due to extra energy required to beat the inertia of the system during acceleration and in turn increases the tailpipe emissions. Auxiliary heaters also contribute to increased fuel consumption and emissions . The ongoing technological developmental work for fuel economy carried out in vehicle air conditioners include reduction in component weight, improvement in compressor efficiency by adopting variable displacement or engine speed independent propulsion, intelligent control accuracy to increase temperature control accuracy, heat pumps, absorption systems, thermal storage, use of refrigerants with lower Global Warming Potential(GWP) with non-conventional system configuration and secondary loop systems(OECD,2004,p126-127).The power requirement of electrical equipment in a modern car is around 1kW and could go up to 12kW in the near future. Table 2.2 (Pundir ,2008,p20) gives the power consumption of accessories in a typical European car.The voltages of the auxiliary electrical systems being developed in vehicles are expected to be changed to around 42V.Since the advanced range of on-board equipment in cars would comprise of computer controlled systems, mobile internet, fax, GPS,TV and v ideo systems which need enhanced power input, highly efficient engines are required to be eq1uipped with alternator or Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) to supply the power(OECD,2004,127). 22 5. 25 6.Table 2.2 the power consumption of accessories in a typical European car ( Pundir,2008,p20) 26 Importance of fuel economy 26 9.2. 36 9.3.Table 2.3 fuel economy technologies for automobiles and light trucks ( NRC ,1992,p41) 36 Design and technology for fuel economy 36 9.6.Pundir(2008,p16-17) lists out the
Feasibility Study for Salfordias Entry to Chinese Construction Market Essay
Feasibility Study for Salfordias Entry to Chinese Construction Market - Essay Example 1. briefing paper (citing, and referencing, relevant sources, theories and methods) providing information on the Chinese construction market, and containing information on critical organisational and cultural issues. Chinese Work and Business Culture Considering that Salfordia is UK-based, it is one seen as ââ¬Å"Westernâ⬠while China is ââ¬Å"Easternâ⬠. Opening a branch in in another United Kingdom territory would be much simpler for Salfordia as differences in work and business practices may be minimal. In an attempt to penetrate the ââ¬Å"easternâ⬠market, exporting wholesale the ââ¬Å"resistantâ⬠and traditional work culture of Salfordia would be difficult in a culture much different from it like China. A study of the culture of the target location is important to prepare Salfordia for a smoother transition as well as a successful venture. Tradition and Family Values Culture is defined as ââ¬Å"an embodiment of traditions as well as a repository of values and normative assumptions developed among members in a group, collectively and society,â⬠(Chao, 2001, 583). It includes the daily practices of managers and employees at the work place and business environment based on their beliefs and values inculcated on them by their own society. Hofstede (1980) presented four dimensions of culture as power distance, individualism against collectivism, masculinity against femininity, and uncertainty avoidance. This has been seen in the IBM global work culture in 53 national subsidiaries. Long-tern against short-term dimension was included as fifth. Chinese culture was seen to be distinct from US and UK culture in power distance, individual vs collectivism, and long/short term orientation (Hofstede, 1980). Chinese culture is considered as one of the... The research defines the culture as ââ¬Å"an embodiment of traditions as well as a repository of values and normative assumptions developed among members in a group, collectively and societyâ⬠. It includes the daily practices of managers and employees at the work place and business environment based on their beliefs and values inculcated on them by their own society. Hofstede presented four dimensions of culture as power distance, individualism against collectivism, masculinity against femininity, and uncertainty avoidance. This has been seen in the IBM global work culture in 53 national subsidiaries. Long-tern against short-term dimension was included as fifth. Chinese culture was seen to be distinct from US and UK culture in power distance, individual vs collectivism, and long/short term orientation. Chinese culture is considered as one of the most resilient in the world. One of the more widely known characteristic of Chinese culture is its Confucian values and teachings whic h are also as carried outside national boundaries. This Confucian trait is seen as shared amongst other Asians to merit academic attention. The Chinese heritage embodies imperative trust and respect which Chao proposed to make the work organisation tenable and efficacious. Trust and productivity are partners in the work process with the willingness as a sacrifice to future compensation. Trust, however, has also its unique meaning in this context as described by Chao as engendering an altruistic tendency as collectivist commitment, non-specific and entails implicit or diffused obligations embedded in the notion ââ¬Å"subtletyâ⬠.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities Essay Example for Free
Project Manager Roles and Responsibilities Essay The Project Manager is the person responsible for developing, in conjunction with the Project Sponsor, a definition of the project. The Project Manager then ensures that the project is delivered on time, to budget and to the required quality standard (within agreed specifications). He/she ensures the project has sufficient resources and manages relationships with a wide range of groups (including all project contributors). The Project Manager is also responsible for managing the work of consultants, allocating and utilizing resources in an efficient manner and maintaining a co-operative, motivated and successful team. Additional responsibilities include: managing and leading the project team,à à à à à à à à à à à recruiting project staff and consultants, managing co-ordination between the partners and working groups engaged in project work, detailed project planning and control. Control would incorporate: Developing and maintaining a detailed project plan. Managing project deliverables in line with the project plan. Maintaining records of and managing project issues. Resolving conflicts at project level. Managing project scope and change control and escalating issues where necessary. Monitoring project progress and performance. Providing status reports to the project sponsor. Managing project training within the defined budget. Liaison with, and updates on progress to, the project steering board/senior management. Managing project evaluation and dissemination activities. Managing consultancy input within the defined budget. Final approval of the design specification. Working closely with users to ensure the project meets business needs. Definition and management of : ââ¬Å"User Acceptance Testingâ⬠stage. Identifying user training needs and devising and managing user training programmes. As an illustration of the roles and responsibilities of a Project manager, I am going to use the simple example of changing the wheel of a car with one person in charge (project manager). In the exposition that follows, the steps followed will be under the headlines of the five essential ones outlined in the PMBOK: Initiating The initiating stage in replacing a punctured car-wheel is the process of preparing to replace the wheel. To begin with, the project manager, or whoever is overseeing the operation, ensures that all the tools necessary for the job are available. The tools necessary in this case would comprise the jerk, wheel spanner, the unique key-for some car models, maybe some props such as stones where there is a possibility of the car slipping downhill and finally, labor. Planning à à à à à Once the initiating stage is completed, we move on to the planning stage whereby different strategies are proposed and quickly debated with one being agreed upon. The role of the project manager in this stage is to ensure that everyone is given an opportunity to express their opinions on how best to approach the problem. Then, he/she should harmonize every participantââ¬â¢s views and in cases if the group cannot reach a resolution unanimously, he/she should apply his/her critical thinking abilities and skills in choosing the most reasonable approach that would be most efficient, effective and feasible. The planning would entail deciding which nuts to unscrew first e.g. diagonally, where to place the jerk and the props and where to put the tools and nuts in such a manner as to ensure they donââ¬â¢t get lost or pose a hazard to any of the team members. The Plan will also incorporate delegation of duties amongst the team members i.e. deciding who will place the jerk, who will unscrew the nuts, who will carry the spare wheel, and who will screw the new wheel back. The delegation of duties should be fair such that no member feels exploited or alienated and it is the work of the project manager to study everyoneââ¬â¢s character and tell who is suited best for what. The final parts of the plan involve training participants as necessary, scheduling everything, and monitoring progress. Executing or Implementation à à à à à After initiating and planning, finally the time comes to put the plan into action. During this stage, the team implements the strategy decided upon with a view to achieving the intended objective. The team removes the bad wheel and replaces it with one that is in good condition. The work of the project manager is to ensure that each participant plays his/ her assigned role and that the operation goes according to plan by correcting any digressions and getting rid of any impediments that might arise in the course of the implementation. Controlling and Monitoring à à à à à As to controlling and monitoring, this entails putting measures in place in anticipation of pitfalls during the process of implementing the plan. Pitfalls to be anticipated might include: some members do not like the roles they are assigned and so they donââ¬â¢t play their roles with the necessary devotion. Also it is possibleà that some members might want to sabotage the project for any of a number of reasons or one of the tools gets damaged and cannot be repaired in time for the work at hand. To avoid alienation, the project manager should make every member feel as though they own the project and when it succeeds the glory will be shared and the benefits mutual. In addition, the project manager has the responsibility of ensuring that, if a member were assigned a role he/she does not like, they are free to voice their concerns so that a speedy resolution is sought. The speedy resolution could be training or instruction where a member is assigned work they do not know how to do. Alternatively, members could swap roles to resolve any stalemates. Finally, a backup plan should be in place to cater for unanticipated hitches. Closing à à à à à In finishing up, the project manager should ensure the team tightens the nuts to the required extent and remove the jerk and props. He/she should also ensure that any member who sustains any injury should be attended to and all the tools-wheel spanners, jerk, props, key- together with the bad wheel are all returned and checked to ensure they are in good condition, then put in their respective places of storage. BIBLIOGRAPHY K. Bainey, The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), 3rd ed. Project Management Institute, New Jersey, 2004
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Impact and History of Global Warming
Impact and History of Global Warming James Grinchishin We stand watch as the great abundance of waters around us heats up faster than ever, creatures of the sea are rapidly migrating. We witness the steady increase of contemporary dilemmas, unseen before, such as nuclear power plants being over ridden with jellyfish. Recurring heat waves and extremities in whether have become the norm. When we choose to do nothing, we witness as the world commences on its path to an apocalyptic nightmare less than a century from now, when well be faced with mass extinctions, a substantial increase in wildfires, deceased aquatic life, and meager fresh water to drink. By 2030, agricultural yields will plummet. By 2040, a plethora of species will be on the verge of extinction; both flooding and drought skyrocket without proportion. By 2050, common crops will stop growing from heat exhaust and food will become a problem with our growing population. Warmer areas such as Africa will definitely be a breeding ground for diseases and a host of malnutrition. The c oral reefs by now will have completely disappeared. By 2060, extreme coastal storms have the capacity to wipe out major cities; Populated urban centers become a breeding ground for an outburst in invasive species all while the Alps are drastically changing from a lack of snowfall. In the 2080s, due to the rise in sea levels coastal cities inundate more frequently and consistently costing lives and billions in capital. By 2090, delta temperatures peak nearly an average blazing six degrees hotter. How can we stand idle while our comrades are fallen? While it may seem as in the world described all is lost, doom and gloom, we can only hope that for the worst case scenario. In a world so delicate where one massive volcanic eruption can throw us into another ice age, how far can humanity actually change the course of Earths history? Global warming is by no doubt the greatest challenge in environmental problems we have ever faced and can no longer be ignored. It endangers life on earth and the worlds economies every day. With global warming comes longer and more intense heat waves and storms. As the climate changes, the likelihood of new pests to humans, plants, and animals increases and further puts us in danger. Agriculture and forestry are hit harder than ever before though wildfires and harder growing seasons; These are devastating effects of the destruction of ecosystems. Global warming has become humanities new greatest problem and our future generations are at risk. Ã Ã While 97 out of every 100 scientists confirm to believe in the harmful effects of global warming, there exists an array of persons who doubt the existence and disregard the vitality in taking repercussions to reduce the increasing threat of global warming. Skeptics have often stated climate is always changing. Climate has changed before. We have had ice ages and warmer periods when alligators were found in Spitzbergen. (Lindzen 1) Ice ages have occurred in a hundred thousand year cycle for the last 700 thousand years, and there have been previous periods that appear to have been warmer than the present despite CO2 levels being lower than they are now. More recently we have had the medieval warm period and the little ice age. (Lindzen 1) Another argument against the so called threat of global warming is often stated as its the sun. Over the past few hundred years, there has been a steady increase in the numbers of sunspots, at the time when the Earth has been getting warmer. The data suggests solar activity is influencing the global climate causing the world to get warmer. (BBC 1) While the evidence for global warming may controversially exist, is global warming really such a bad thing? Two thousand years of published human histories say that warm periods were good for people. It was harsh, unstable Dark Ages and Little Ice age that brought bigger storms, untimely frost, widespread famine and plagues of disease. (Avery 15) There are several common argumentative points presented to debunk the view on global warming; however, most arguments either simply say its a hoax, or attempt to blame the changing global patterns on other sources. There exists many uneducated persons who still fail to recognise the potentially damaging effects of global warming who argue global warming is a hoax and nothing should be done about it. While climate has changed before, as many use as an argument, the lengths and causes of climate change were not nearly as abrupt, or created by humans. Greenhouse gasses including mainly Carbon Dioxide, had a part role in the previous global warming epidemics. As natural processes of CO2 reduction occurred, climate generally cooled; Likewise, as CO2 rose in levels, the climate warmed. When levels of CO2 increased at much higher rates, the effects of this rapid increase caused much more catastrophic disasters and even lead to mass extinctions. Humans today are emitting prodigious quantities of CO2, at a rate faster than even the most destructive climate changes in earths past. We can observe a fine line between the general natural gradual changes over time and the sudden abrupt CO2 bursts. The effects of gradual CO2 is noticed as life itself was prosperous in the Eocene, the Cretaceous and other times of high CO2 in the atmosphere because the greenhouse gasses were in balance with the carbon in the oceans and the weathering of rocks. Living creatures, the biochemical diversity of the oceans, and atmospheric gasses had millions of years to adjust to those levels. (Quinn 1) however, there are countless times in earths history where we see the temperature jumping abruptly, which can be related to today. Similarly to the greenhouse gas emissions seen today caused by humans, yet those abrupt global warming events were almost always highly destructive for life, causing whats described as mass extinctions such as at the end of the Permian, Triassic, or even mid-Cambrian periods. (Cook 1) These similar symptoms are seen today in the changes of climate with what we humans are causing. While we have seen the climate change before, in those cases scientists know why it was caused, and we can connect the similar causes of higher CO2 emissions. As past examples of rapid carbon emissions similar to today were generally highly destructive to the sweet life on Earth. Sunspots, while seen as a potential cause of bursts of heat, have been decreasing gradually and are not a major factor in the contributors to climate change. BBC says The data suggests solar activity is influencing the global climate causing the world to get warmer. However true this may be, the factors that contribute to global climate change as far greater than solar flares, which are also much more rare than they used to be. Over the last 35 years the sun has shown a cooling trend. However global temperatures continue to increase. (Cook 1) Clearly, if the suns energy influencing our planet is decreasing, all the while earth is gradually shown to be increasing in temperature, the sun simply cannot be the main factor to influence the heating of our planet. While there have been occasional relations with sunspots heating as well as the earth, no significance is observed. For argument, some try to look to the sun as their escape to why the planet is heating up by cherry picking up dat a. They only portray moments of times where the sunspots rising and global temperatures are rising together. While some may misinterpret data or purposely pick it out, sunspots, while seen as an immediate cause for bursts of heat, are shown to be decreasing gradually and do not correlate to the major factors that are contributing to climate change. The atrocities that will arise with global warming will to all extents outweigh any superficial benefits that can arise. The effects of global warming can even be visible today with the increase in violent tropical storms and the raising of the ocean acidity. Some have a simple go to argument when all else fails, Its not bad says (Avery 1) he continues, Two thousand years of published human histories say that warm periods were good for people. It was the harsh, unstable Dark Ages and Little Ice Age that brought bigger storms, untimely frost, widespread famine and plagues of disease. While the thought of a slightly warming vacation for the generations to come, always tanning in sunshine may not sound to bad, there are much greater risks of global temperatures raising 2, 3 or even 6 Degrees. While CO2 is essential for plant growth, all agriculture depends also on steady water supplies, and climate change is likely to disrupt those supplies through floods and droughts. (Cook 3) Most cro ps rely on the stability and predictability of rainfall and temperatures. The increase in global temperatures means there is an increase in wildfires during the more frequent dry seasons. Another argument against the harmful effects of climate change is that having an increase in temperatures could benefit us by thawing more land to farm on. (Avery 2) However, the soil in Arctic and bordering territories is very poor, and the amount of sunlight reaching the ground in summer will not change because it is governed by the tilt of the earth. (Cook, 3) We have seen that the crop yield is already at the brink of destruction when a sudden local rise in temperature causes all the crops to wither and abstain from yielding necessary produce. Warmer winters would mean fewer deaths, particularly among vulnerable groups like the aged. (Avery 3) While this may be true and seem simple, the same groups are also vulnerable to additional heat, and deaths attributable to heatwaves are expected to be approximately five times as great as winter deaths prevented. (Cook 4) The increase in temperature will also contribute to a surplus of insects, particularly mosquitoes, which have been signed off as humanitys greatest killer have killed an estimated 40% of the worlds population through malaria. The excess heat will melt polar glaciers which will only contribute to the rise in sea level; consequently, the increased ocean surface area will only absorb more sunlight and heat the oceans faster. Many parts of the world which are at sea level, even major cities housing millions are at risk if the sea level rises only several feet. The CO2 emissions that have risen so far these past decades will be devastating to the atmosphere as we have already seen with the ozone layer, and aquatic life. This process is caused by additional CO2 being absorbed in the water, and may have severe destabilising effects on the entire oceanic food-chain. (Cook 5) There is clearly no argument that supports the globe is not heating other than cherry picked data, and the ignorant who only look at their local temperatures and can claim to see no immediate effects of global warming. The atrocities that will arise with global warming to all extents can easily outweigh any superficial benefits that can arise. It may seem as if the world is already being torn apart and there is no hope for restoring all the evident effects of global warming. In a world so delicate where one massive volcanic eruption can throw us into another ice age, how far can humanity actually change the course of Earths history? Global warming is by no doubt the greatest challenge in environmental problems we have ever faced. It threatens the health of the earths inhabitants and the worlds economies every day. With global warming comes longer and more intense heat waves and storms. Along with those climate changes, come more pests which in turn can carry devastating diseases. Forestry and farming are feeling the negative impact of global warming and were also seeing traces of a devastated ecosystem. The greatest problem with global warming is us, and if humanity doesnt change, the destruction of our earth wont stop. It seems easy to lay back and ignore the clear sights of climate change, the tropical weather patterns a nd elongated drought. However little the effects of global warming will be visible in our lifetimes, the future of generations to come will be living in a much different situation where they will try to revert our damage and see that its already too late. Global warming has become humanities new greatest problem and our future generations are at risk. Work Cited Quinn, Stephen. Eocene Period Ellesmere Island as It Appeared 50 Million Years Ago. Painting Nature Art by Stephen Quinn., Accessed 12 February 2017. Cook, John. Climate Science Glossary. Skeptical Science, Skeptical Science, Accessed 12 February 2017. Lindzen, Richard S. Resisting Climate Hysteria. Quadrant Online, Quadrant Online, Accessed 13 February 2017. Avery, Dennis. 500 Scientists Refute Global Warming Dangers. WND, WorldNetDaily, 9 Dec. 7ADAD, Accessed 13 February 2017.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Horace Minerââ¬â¢s Body Ritual Among the Nacirema Essay -- Horace Miner Bo
Horace Minerââ¬â¢s Body Ritual Among the Nacirema In Horace Minerââ¬â¢s article, ââ¬Å"Body Ritual Among the Naciremaâ⬠, he talks about a tribe and describes their odd behavior. He tells about how the tribe performs these strange daily rituals and how their peculiarity is extreme, but in fact he is actually speaking of Americans as a whole (Miner). Miner uses this style of writing to more effectively prove his point: that Americans are ethnocentric. Miner does an exceptional job in disguising the Nacirema as Americans. Some of the things he disguises are the bathroom, which he says is a cleansing shrine. He disguises the medicine chest as the main device in the shrine, a bundle of hog hairs on a stick as a toothbrush, and magical potions as medicine (Miner). In this article, Miner gives a few hints that the Nairema are indeed Americans. The fact that Nacirema spelled backwards is American is a huge hint by itself. Another clue is the ââ¬Å"holy-mouth-men.â⬠If you sit down and think about it for a second it is obvious to realize that they are indeed dentists. Also the me...
Radio Waves :: essays research papers
Before beginning our research on radio waves, to us, radio waves were just waves going through the atmosphere, carrying sound from one place to another. Those were our ignorant days! We did not realize the complicated terms and theories involved. In the following report you will see how we advanced in our knowledge of radio waves, and we hope it will do the same for you. Radio waves are a combination of two kinds of electric vibrations. Audio frequency waves, which represent voice and other sounds and radio frequency waves, which carry audio waves after being combined with them. Two examples of broadcast waves are AM waves and FM waves. AM which stands for amplitude modulation, is a broadcasting method in which the carrier waves (carry the sounds of a program) are changed to match changes in the audio frequency waves. These are electric waves that represent the sounds of a radio broadcast. FM stands for frequency modulation and these waves, that go skyward, are not reflected. Instead, they pass through the atmosphere and go into space. AM signals, however, reflect off the atmosphere and travel back down to earth, causing broadcasts to be received at a much greater distance than FM signals. Since FM travels all the way to space and it does not bounce off the ground it does not create as much static as AM does. Radio waves, which travel at the speed of light, cannot be seen, heard, or felt in any way. When you listen to the radio, contrary to what some think, you are hearing the receivers pick up the waves and turn them into sound. Three more types of radio waves are; ground waves, ionospheric waves and tropospheric waves. Ground waves travel from the antenna along the surface of the earth. Ionospheric waves, otherwise known as sky waves, are made up of radio waves that come from a transmitting antenna and go into the sky. The ionosphere is the region of the rare field and ionized atmosphere around the earth, from 50 to 200 miles. Last but not least are the tropospheric waves. These waves are parts of the original wave which is reflected into the troposphere, an area of clouds and storms from 3 to 7 miles high. Radios change sound into electrical patterns with transmitters. In a radio transmitter, the circuit that generates the high frequency AC current that produces radio waves from an antenna, is called an oscillator. Electrical patterns are then changed into broadcast waves of electromagnetic energy. The Kenelly-Heairside layer, found in a transmission of a radio is now well known. This keeps the energy spent by a shortwave transmitter from escaping into space. This is why we are able
Friday, July 19, 2019
Your Attitude Is Showing :: Business Marketing
Your Attitude Is Showing: A Primer of Human Relations I enjoyed reading "Your Attitude Is Showing" a great deal more than I expected to. I normally hate to read because I am not very good at it, and I am usually uninterested in the subject. I found that this book to be quite easy to read. The language that the authors used was very easy to understand. Also, it was divided into many chapters with many sections in each chapter. This made it easy for me to keep my attention on the book. When reading I normally become tired and bored, but I was able to focus well on this book. The content of the book also helped keep me interested. I felt that the authors addressed many important points throughout the book. Though I knew much of the information discussed, I also learned a lot from it. This is why I enjoyed the book the most, because it taught me things that I will use, and that are very important for how successful my life is, professionally and personally. Key Points When reading this book I found there to be many important points that were addressed in each chapter. I found three points in particular to be more valuable to me than the others. The first key point that I found was in chapter 2. ââ¬Å"All organizations are built around people. And when you build healthy relationships with your fellow workers and supervisors, you open doors that would otherwise be closed.â⬠I found this statement to be very interesting. This section went on to explain how knowledge of a particular job is not all that is important to succeed in a career. I had previously not realized this in my life, even though I have had personal experiences that reflect this. I was recently offered a management position at my current job. I thought that it was strange because I had relatively no experience working in retail, and I had only been working with the company for a few months. But after reading this section I realized that, most likely, the reason why they off ered me the job was because of the strong relationships I had developed with my supervisors and co-workers in such a short period of time. From now on I plan on keeping this point in mind whenever I begin a new job. The second key point that I found was discussed in chapters 3 and 4.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Iââ¬â¢m Not Scared Essay Essay
Fear is one of the most incapacitating and destructive emotions Iââ¬â¢m Not Scared demonstrates. As well as the human potential to do evil things in life for self-gain. Ammaniti shows us this through characters in the text that commit cruel and violent acts. He also shows us that not all men can be cruel and selfish, through the character of Michele, who shows bravery, compassion and goodness. From the very beginning of the novel we are alerted to the fact that humans can be very cruel, yet equally as gallant and kind. In the start we are introduced to a cruel rumour from Skull, about a fierce old man known as Melichetti, who feed his own dog to his savage pigs. When he is confronted about this from Barbara, he laughs at the idea and replies saying that he loved his dog and would never do such a thing, and is astonished as to why someone would make up such lies about him. Barbara says that Skull had told them this and Melichetti scolds him saying that he should never tell lies, an d the truth only. Thus showing that there is good in some humans. Although not all of them. After these events Skull hatches a plan to get back at Barbara for embarrassing him. He proposes that they have a race to the top of a hill, knowing that Barbara will lose and have to do the forfeit so he can extract his revenge, being the harsh human that he is. Humanââ¬â¢s immense capacity for cruelty is highlighted by the appalling conditions that Filippo is kept in. He chained in a dark prison hole and is barely fed enough to stay alive. He is treated like a prisoner of war. His skin is pale and dirty, and so thin that you could see the outline of his bones. Yet Ammaniti tempers these descriptions with humour in order to soften the blow and Michele relieves his suffering. Micheleââ¬â¢s determination to help Fillipo in his plight and his success in revealing his pain that becomes the focus of the tale. He performs acts of kindness towards Fillipo, bringing him food and water, and letting him out of the hole to embrace the outside world. There is no doubt that humans are capable of extreme violence as demonstrates by the response to Luisa Carducciââ¬â¢s appeal and through characters such as Sergio, Skull and Felice, yet we also get the sense that they are not so much evil, but human through Ammanitiââ¬â¢s portrayal of them. Some of these acts of violence or portrayed through the actions of Skull and his potential for cruelty to others and animals. An example of this is when he says ââ¬Å"wring its neck, then put a stick up its arseâ⬠, also when the entire town of Acqua Traverse is silent watchingà Michele, except for Togo who is barking. Skull then proceeds to boot Togo away. Yet although Skull is ruthless and cruel, the kids have the power to overcome him. For instance when Skull makes Barbara do the forfeit, the kids do not like this idea and Michele stands up and takes the forfeit. They are also strongly motivated by self-gain and are also capable of horrible betrayal in order to gain something for t hemselves. The people of Acqua Traverse are easily motivated by money. They had kidnapped a child just for personal gain. They were prepared to betray their own beliefs and morals. For example when Luisa Carducci had sent an appeal to the kidnappers, she pleaded that they do not hurt her son and asked them what it would feel like if any of them had their own child taken away from them. Papa, who cared for his children a lot and loved them, betrayed his own beliefs that night, responding that they should cut off both of Filippoââ¬â¢s ears. Yet they are also capable of fierce love, extreme loyalty and forgiveness. An instance of this is Teresaââ¬â¢s protectiveness over Michele after Feliceââ¬â¢s attack on him. Upon finding out that Felice had hurt her son, she launched herself at him in a raging fit of fury to protect her son. After seeing Felice on his mother Michele, also protective of his mother, jumps at Felice. Loyalty is also portrayed in the story through some characters. One of which is Michele, who made a promise to Filippo that he would always come back and save him. And he did under any circumstances, no matter how bad the consequences may have been. Also, it is Papa, who at first was with the idea of keeping Filippo hostage, yet later he proposed the idea to let the boy go. Ammaniti creates a world that emphasises peopleââ¬â¢s capacity for evil and self-gain and uses his power to tell us how he became a man that learns loyalty and trust are far more valuable than money or objects through events and experiences he comes into contact with. His knowledge and understanding form the base of his moral decisions and guide him to help the innocent boy, Filippo, escape from the villainous adults of Acqua Traverse.
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